Over the past many years, we’ve been inspired by organizations, groups and individuals around the country and the world who have started community efforts for readiness and resilience. Most people who are awake to the nefarious activities of the NWO and those who are intent on the “Great Reset” and a totalitarian agenda that would bring national sovereignty to its knees are working to create new systems and new pathways forward for humanity and the earth.
Our motto is Faith over Fear because faith CAN move mountains even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Because one of the main weapons in this modern warfare is fear, we know that we cannot abide in allowing ourselves to generate fear in ourselves or each other. Fear is a natural human emotion, especially when we feel under threat. So, it is not to say we are not going to feel it, it is to say we are going to choose faith as the higher pathway, again and again and again. Let us turn to one another when we feel fear and help one another choose faith. This is the higher ground we can all attain when we help one another.
Our Mission Statement for the Sangre de Cristo R2 Network follows: The SDC R2 Network is a group of neighbors helping neighbors towards Godly, resilient, daily living and community preparedness for improved quality of life in stable or unstable times. Any R2Ns that form in other communities are encouraged to write your own Mission Statement as a group. It’s a great process to find out what are your values, your standards and your guiding forces. To learn more about R2N formation, structure and community action, please contact us and we are happy to share ours for the formation of yours.